Terms and Conditions of Use
1. Introduction
1.1. Welcome to the Finatic Technologies (PTY) Ltd (herein referred to as ‘Finatic’). The website is owned by Finatic.
1.2. By accessing and using this website, you (“User”) agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions of Use set out in this notice. Users who do not wish to be bound by these Terms and Conditions of Use, may not access, display, use, download, copy or distribute any of the content of this website.
2. Usage and Copyright
2.1. Users agree that their use of this website is for lawful purposes only. Users agree that they will not use this website for any unlawful purpose, including committing a criminal offence, gaining unauthorised access to other computer systems, or transmitting unlawful material.
2.2. Finatic retains copyright in the website and all current and future content displayed on the website which is not owned by third parties.
2.3. Users may view, copy, download to a local drive, print and distribute the content of this website, or any part thereof only for non-commercial informational or reference purposes.
2.4. Users who wish to use content from this site for commercial purposes may only do so with the prior written permission obtained from Finatic via e-mail at info@finatic.africa. Any reproduction and/or copy of the content or portion thereof for commercial purposes must adhere to conditions imposed in the prior written permission and include this copyright notice in its entirety: Copyright © 2023 Finatic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
3. Disclaimer and Exclusion of Liability
3.1. The use of the content of this website is at the User’s own risk. The User assumes full responsibility and risk of loss resulting from the use of the content of this website. Finatic or any of the legal entities in respect of which information is contained on this site, or employees of Finatic or such entity, will not be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages or any other damages whatsoever, whether in an action of contract, statute, tort (including, without limitation, negligence), or otherwise, relating to the use of information contained herein.
3.2. This website is provided ‘as is’. Finatic makes no representations or warranties, implied or otherwise, that inter alia the content and technology available from this website are free from errors or omissions, that the service will be uninterrupted and error-free or will meet any particular criteria of performance or quality.
3.3. It is the sole responsibility of the User to satisfy itself prior to accessing this website that the website will meet the User’s individual requirements and be compatible with the User’s hardware and/or software.
3.4. Certain links in the website lead to resources maintained by third parties over whom Finatic has no control. Finatic makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy of, or any other aspect relating to, those resources.
4. Privacy
4.1. Finatic respects the privacy of all visitors to this site. Users may use this site without providing any personal information.
4.2. In order for Finatic to regularly assess and improve the site, we collect information on inter alia the number of visits to the site and the pages viewed. A full description of the information collected can be found in the “Finatic Privacy Policy”.
4.3. Please note that this website may contain links to other websites which are not being governed by this privacy statement or the “Finatic Privacy Policy”.
5. Security
5.1. Protection
5.1.1. Finatic has in place reasonable commercial standards of technology and operational security to protect all information provided by Users from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. All reasonable steps will be taken to secure a User’s information including any sensitive data submitted.
5.1.2. It is expressly prohibited for any person, business or entity to gain or attempt to gain unauthorised access to any page on this website, or to deliver or attempt to deliver any unauthorised, damaging or malicious code to this website.
5.1.3. If a person, business or entity delivers or attempts to deliver any unauthorised, damaging or malicious code to this website or attempts to gain unauthorised access to any page on this website, civil damages may be claimable against that person, business or entity.
5.2. External links and advertising
5.2.1. Wherever this website provides links to other websites, this should not be construed as constituting any relationship or endorsement of the linked third party, and reliance on all information provided by the external link is done so at the User’s own risk.
5.2.2. Wherever third-party advertising or promotional material is displayed on this website, this should not be construed as Finatic endorsing or creating any relationship between Finatic and that third-party. Reliance on any such material is entirely at your own risk.
5.3. Linking
5.3.1. Any third party wishing to link to this website from their website must obtain permission from Finatic, and permission may be granted on terms and conditions agreed.
6. Updating of these Terms and Conditions of Use
6.1. Finatic reserves the right to change, modify, add to or remove portions or the whole of these Terms and Conditions of Use from time to time.
6.2. Changes to these Terms and Conditions of Use will take effect upon such changes being posted to this website.
6.3. It is the User’s obligation to periodically check these Terms and Conditions of Use at this website for changes or updates.
6.4. The User’s continued use of this website following the posting of changes or updates will be considered notice of the User’s acceptance to abide by and be bound by these Terms and Conditions of Use, including such changes or updates.
7. Severability
7.1. These Terms and Conditions of Use constitute the entire professional or other relationship between Finatic and the User of this website.
7.2. Any failure by Finatic to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms and Conditions of Use shall in no way constitute a waiver of such right or provision.
7.3. If any term or condition of the use of this website is not fully enforceable or valid for any reason, such term(s) or condition(s) shall be severable from the remaining Terms and Conditions of Use. The remaining Terms and Conditions of Use shall not be affected by such unenforceability or invalidity and shall remain enforceable and applicable.
8. Jurisdiction
8.1. This website is owned and operated within Namibia, therefore, these Terms and Conditions of Use are governed by the laws of Namibia, and the User consents to the jurisdiction of the High Court in the event of any dispute.